
Thursday, September 3, 2009


This has been a truly strange month. First, I am in the hospital in New Bern NC while my mother is visiting. I have pneumonia. I am on all kinds of medicine to include pain medication which seems to have skewed up my memory of what happened. Things seemed to run together and I am not really sure of what went on where.

I do remember vaguely sending Bella in California a tweet telling her I was going to the hospital. She let everyone know and even left a message for Ray here at home on the phone. I found it yesterday when I was cleaning off the messages. Pain medication really messes up your mind. I guess I sent Bella the note because they wouldn't let me take the computer to the hospital. It has been such a lifeline to me over the past months. Bella is actually @CiaoBella50 on Twitter and so sweet. I just can't tell you what a sweet person she is. Everyone on Twitter was so nice.

Speaking of nice, I have received over 200 Get Well/Thinking of You cards since January. Each one is a prayer and each time I see them, they remind me of prayer and thanksgiving for each person/family who sent them. God is surely good, all the time. I give thanks for my dear church family and actually for many people praying for me here at home and abroad. What did I ever do to elicit such compassion and love? It is a little overwhelming at times.

I was able to connect with someone I hadn't seen in almost two years at the hospital. I still cannot remember her name, but the Lord has plans for the both of us in the near future. I have to go through all my notes I took at the hospital. I am sure I wrote something down. Unexpected angels in my life.

My dear sweet mother couldn't help with my poor yard so she sent something to help Rhonda do something. And, boy did she. She wondered where all my flowers were, I keep telling people that unless a man is a "Gardener" he cannot tell the difference between flower and weed. I had some people clean up the yard in March and they pulled up at least 5 Clematis vines that I had been nurturing for over 4 years and left the poision ivy I had been trying to get rid of for 10 years. They hacked my bushes, destroyed my broken pottery garden, etc. You can rest assured, I will plow the yard under before they step foot in it again. I will garden again, even if it is for only for an hour a day. Whatever the Lord allows.

I am still sorting all this out. I didn't mean to get confused and wanted to deliver the story "as was", but I guess I didn't think about the effects of the pain medication on my memory. There may be changes coming soon. I just don't know whether to go back and correct or ask for help from other people's memory.

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