
Thursday, April 9, 2009


Beverly came this morning and we worked on the website again. It is really shaping up. It would be so much easier if we really knew what we are doing. We get things all ready to insert and then come back later and all we have is the little red X. It has become the bane of my existance.

There are two women that finished radiation on Wednesday. I missed them this morning. Both had had chemotherapy first. One of the ladies told me a little about the chemo. Two days after her first infusion, all her hair fell out. She was giving me some advice not to cut my hair because it is much easier to find long strands than it is to fine short ones. The short hairs get in your shirt like when you get your hair cut sometimes. She said her daughter had cut her hair to about one inch and when it fell out, it was a real mess. She told me about some of the uncomfortable things about chemo. But, I have to remember that not everyone goes through the same experience.

We are having Maundy Thursday tonight at church. I wanted to go to the Breast Cancer support group, but I guess I need to go to church with Ray.

We heard from Juanita Wilson. Ray had surgery and he is doing well. He is at UVA. They removed part of his esophogas that was precancerous. We will certainly keep him in our prayers.

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