
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back to Bed PINK

I have been sleeping in a recliner for almost a year. I chose the recliner because lying in bed made my hips hurt so bad.

I had a cleaning service come and the bed is back in play in the spare room. I cannot sleep with Ray, he snores so loud that sometimes I can hear him in the living room. We just have dates once in a while.

Three days later: Back in the recliner.

Five days later, salesman from Easy Rest Adjustable Beds comes and shows us what they have. So interesting, especially for someone who sleeps in a recliner.

We decided that we would purchase one of the nicer models. It is a King-size bed, consisting of two twins. Each has their own controllers and they have heat and massage. Since I am considered disabled because of my health problems, they said they would deliver in one week. Well, that is this Friday. Guess what, they called to see if we could accept delivery at 5 pm on Friday.

We are leaving town Friday morning to go to NC for the holiday. The man was so kind and said it would not be a problem, he will call me back next week about delivery then. I do not remember anyone being quite that kind and considerate working in customer service in a long time. We do have a neighbor that will be watching the house and a security service, but I wouldn't want him letting anyone in to set up the beds.

I guess we will find out if we will be sleeping in the same room - will I throw the recliner on the street, or will we have to separate the beds into separate rooms? As it is, I am so tired of this recliner, it does not matter. We also have a recliner in NC that I sleep in when we go there.

I heard the other day that you should not sleep on the same mattress and box springs for over nine years. Considering that all our cells in our bodies change over every seven years, I think nine years is a little long. Did you know you have a completely new body every seven years. Mine seems to have taken a turn for the worse about seven years ago. I wonder if I can improve it enough to get back the lost years?

It would be nice, I think, but I am not going to count on it.

I will let you know how the beds sleep when they get here and whether they are one big bed in one room or one bed in two rooms. Do you think the adjustable bed will help with snoring? And where do you find extra long Twin sheets to fit the beds. A friend says you have to have suspenders on the back to hold the sheets down when you sit up.

The only thing left to figure out is, where is Snowball going to sleep?


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Linda Jean - My Sister with an Attitude.

Recently, my sister Linda put this amazing little story of a day in her life on Facebook. I never knew she was such a talented writer. I asked if I could use this, but have waited and no answer. I am assuming she does not mind. She really is a super person with a unique attitude about life. She is saying things in this that we usually voice only in our heads. Barbara

"As John was leaving this morning, he came into the office where I was sitting at the computer and kissed me goodbye saying, "I hope you have a fun day today." 

I detected a note of sarcasm in that
statement so I'm going to tell everyone how much fun I had today! 

First, the dogs get their early morning mile because it is too darn hot to walk them later. This takes at least a half hour since their walk consists of more stops than starts. There's a lot of sniffing to be done at every mailbox along the way not to mention Bowser's imaginary friends who have to be consulted at every stop regarding which leg to lift to get the proper trajectory. Home again and it is time for treats and food! But, first, we have to be sure the cat isn't outside his room because he eats the dog food and leaves disgusting overflow deposits in the most conspicuous places. Easier to clean with the carpet cleaner, but still....

Now. On to the kitchen which is in a mess from the salad I prepared the night before to take to dinner with friends. My fault, but it was bedtime when we got back and I just didn't want to deal with it because of all the "fun" I had the day before. I gave the pups their baths yesterday so that source of fun was off the table today but I did get to wash their towel in a load of laundry! Lucky girl, me.

As long as I was in the kitchen, I decided to clean and seal the granite! Now there's a job that just excites me to no end! It's 10:15 and I've already had so much fun that I'm hungry. Let's see, what's for breakfast? Oh! That lovely leftover salad! YUM! The fun just never stops around here! Now I can put that laundry in the dryer and go clean the shower. See what I mean about the fun never stopping? Seriously!

Since the dogs had their baths yesterday, the floors probably need dusting because they tend to drop a lot of fur when they get excited. Once that's done I can vacuum the rugs, carpets and furniture for the same reason. Yeah. We spoil them by letting them go wherever they want to sleep. For instance, Fritzie slept under my rib cage last night because there was a clap of thunder right around bedtime. Not the best night's sleep ever. But fun to have a cuddly bed buddy.

I noticed the window boxes are looking straggly so out I go to deadhead those poor flowers. Just trying to keep them from dying of heat prostration. Of course, I've been having so much fun that I've let time get away from me and it's really hot out there and the mosquitoes are so excited about this most recent blood feast that they're sending out telepathic messages to all their friends to come to the party. Now I see the columbines have finished seeding out so they need a good haircut too. I'm pretty well toasted and covered in itchy welts by now so why not keep going? Fun, right? That's what it's all about!

Okay then. Now it's time to pay some bills. I just love doing that. There's such a thrill in shredding the paid bills! Back to the computer.

That's done, now it's time to call the vet to get those pooches in for their shots. They love that trip so much that they cry all the way there. I do feel a little bad because I know they think they're going to the park and it must be such a disappointment to find themselves at the vet's office instead. Good news is they sleep all the way home. Probably a mild traumatic coma state but at least it's quiet. Oh GREAT! They can come in today! More fun for me!

Think about dinner on the way home but can't shop with the dogs so I drop them off and shop for dinner. Poor planning on my part but that's my specialty so no surprise there. 

I do love going to the store especially when I get to the self-checkouts and they're all occupied by people who have no idea how to use them. Aren't people fun to watch? I really enjoyed the man who was cursing, just barely under his breath because he was dealing with something that had no bar code and the machine kept telling him to wait for assistance but there was none to be had. I wanted to help but I wasn't sure I could do any better. I'm pretty sure those machines are programmed to keep cashiers employed. I have to hand it to him, he didn't give up but the scale may never be quite the same after the pounding he gave it. What fun!

Now home to prepare dinner. I have discovered something called freekeh and I'm going to substitute it for bulgar in a deliciously buhgar salad. I hope it doesn't taste like cardboard because you all know that's what I'll be having for breakfast tomorrow! Fun is my middle name! Signing off for now, hoping you all have a really fun day!" - Linda Burns Gillespie

I love my sister's humor. She can say the silliest things sometime deadpan. It is an unusually fun talent that she has. Barbara*



Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Time After Time

I got so upset this morning at the news on a local TV station. The newscaster kept saying, "Learn what caused the little boy to be missed during the search for his body."

This was a lead-in to a story coming up. I normally do not listen that closely to the news because I am usually doing something else. This morning, I was forced to listen to this station because it was the only one my husband likes in the morning and I was not feeling well.

I kept hearing, "Learn what caused the little boy to be missed during the search for his body" over and over. Then finally the mystery was solved. The "current" was responsible. Nothing else except a picture of the beach where he was found.
Finally, we learned the fate of the little boy. After that they went into repeat and kept saying what was said before and at the end of the hour, those people who woke a little later found out what happened to the little boy.

I was thinking how miserable this would make me if it had been my little boy. I would have been devastated by his death, but would really be hurt by the lead-in to the news being said every five minutes. His death seemed to be a lead-in to the news, nothing more. There were no interviews with witnesses, no information that would help any one, just the repetitive flashes of the news lady.

My heart goes out to the family. Losing a child is one of the most difficult things we may ever go through.

I just wish that TV news people, especially local ones, could do a better job of reporting. Do you remember when the local channel used to report local news? Now they do local news of a town thousands of miles away. After the report of the little boy, they went into a story of how flooding of a basement in Detroit caused the death of a hundred year old woman. I am sorry, but our little part of the world is in Virginia and we seem to have enough distressing news here to fill in our news programs. If I want to know what is happening in Detroit or any where else, I can look on line or .

Oh, well, just me fussing. Have a great week. Love to all.