
Thursday, September 8, 2011

September Pink

There are so many wonderful things about September. Children are back in school, some moms are breathing a sigh of relief, the weather is changing for the good, I am dragging out the winter things and giving them a steaming or cleaning. Putting away the sandals and dragging out the boots. I am making arrangements of flowers and leaves, getting out the fake pumpkins, and some of the funny little Fall elves. Bringing is the tiny tomatoes before they turn red and the bugs eat them and cooking them with onions in olive oil. They really are good. I love fried green tomatoes, but cannot make them the Southern way, just the carb-free way.

September brings memories of September 11, 2011. What a terrible day for the US. Everyone has a story of where they were and who they were with. There was a lady on THE TALK today who was in one of the towers. Parts of her body weren't just burned, they were cooked and she is still living with the pain. I can only imagine how horrible it must have been. A friend at church had to hear that her granddaughter was in one of the planes that hit the Towers. I know it will be a particularly difficult day for her.

People that were there at the World Trade Center Towers and EMT's are coming down with cancer now, probably related to the many toxins they were exposed to the day of the terrorist attacks and for many days later. I hear that Al Qeida is planning something to celebrate the memory also. Probably to see how many Christians they can send to heaven. Although that is not where they think Christians go. They would commit suicide to take us out. All the time they think if they kill us they will get many virgins. That is a laugh. Not many of them around now.

Unfortunately, today wasn't a good one for my friend Benita. She had a horrific headache. I gave her pain medication, ice packs, warm wash cloths, etc. I made homemade chicken soup and finally got  some down her this afternoon. That and some peanut butter with crackers. I am afraid she is not getting enough liquid, but I cannot make her drink. I try to tell her that if she gets dehydrated, she will have to go in the hospital. Then she drinks a little bit. It is so hard to help people with Alzheimers. She may agree one minute and the next wonder where we are going as we walk out the door. Ray is very patient with us both.

I hope and pray that September 11th goes by without bad memories for the future. Stay safe and keep it low key. I would hate to have a bad memory of the this Sunday. It is the Lord's day and it should be quiet and safe for us all.


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