
Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today was "Youth Sunday" at my church. What a Hoot! I was serving as Deacon #5 this morning, which means I have to make sure everything goes alright and say the prayer for the offering. I was very good and kept the prayer to praying for the tithes and offerings that we were presenting to God. Sometimes people get up there and think they are supposed to pray for everything from soup to nuts.

After the first service, I helped pick up papers in the Sanctuary and made sure the hymn books were in place. I then waited for my "Deacons" for the second service. They were aged from about 13-15 when they finally came in. We had a time just figuring out who would be in the choir and go up after the offering. Then I had to explain to them which row they would be on to take up the offering. They ended up doing very well after they settled down. I can't help remembering a CD by Jim Rohn where he talked about "herding cats."

After all that walking around the church, my feet were swelling. When the choir finished and Ray came out, we went to COSTCO and picked up some milk and a roasted chicken for lunch. We bought some Salsa and I added some to a vegetable noodle dish with some cheese and made a great side dish for the chicken. After lunch, I turned on the NASCAR races for Ray and immediately fell asleep in my chair. When I woke up there was less than 40 laps left. Thank God. Ray's guy didn't win but I got to see some neat wrecks.

I have been having fun with Twitter. I have over 21,400 followers now. It is awesome. I get asked to tweet things for others now. Chris Voss even put me in his 10 most tweeted followers group.
I even have a blog for my #SweetTweets at I have even started a #SweetTweet of the Day.
 Ray just went to the drug store. I will write more later. Something uncomfortable happened on Twitter the other day and I need to write about it. But it will probably be on my Thoughts of Christ Blog.
Love you all, Barbara
ps. By the way, on Twitter I started a #YAYASisters Tweet. That was so much fun.
#YAYASisters @Girlwithagoal @LoriMoreno @Mnmissy @ZnaTrainer @MomsofAmerica @ActorAshley @AmWoman @BlondeTXGoddess @definitelydiane @JanSimpson @ModelSupplies @heykim @AmericanWomannn @LeeHiller @BethFrysztak @TamaraSchilling
@mountaingrace1 @Barb_White @livinlime @ActorAshley @Marcome @DLWilsonsWorld @FijiCollin @mtdreamaker and of course, me
There might have been more, but I couldn't find them in my stream.

1 comment:

  1. ♥ ThankU Barbara ...
    Bless UR heart ...
    ~Special Blessings of Love2U ...


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