
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Anomia - What?

When I saw Dr. Cole the other day, he told me that forgetting words when I am talking is called:
  • Anomia - Problem with word finding, impaired recall of words with no impairment of comprehension or the capacity to repeat the words.
I told him about being at a bylaws meeting. I was trying to explain something about
parliamentary procedures and was unable to find some of the words. At first, they helped me out and then they just started filling in the blanks, until I broke down and laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants. I felt like I was on a game show and everyone was throwing words at me. It really was funny. I am not sure the doc thought so.

I am trying so hard to keep a positive outlook. I did this about this time last year and the neurologist, and neurological psychologist put me through the wringer with numerous tests, and then after a couple of months, I was fine. My rheumatologist says it is Fibro Fog. Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis both cause inflammation. Inflammation seems to the the probable cause in most diseases, from what I have read. I have read so many medical articles, I am beginning to understand the big words.

This morning, I was watching Rachael Ray. They were talking about natural beauty enhancements that are chemical free. Actually, most come from the refrigerator. 

  • If your skin on your elbows, knees, or feet are so dry they are noticeable to others or itch, you can use the skin from an avocado you are using for cooking.  (I guess it would work for other body parts also.) Rub it on the area for a minute, let it stay for a few minutes, wash off, and apply Olive Oil. 
  • Rubbing the inside skin of a banana on acne spots for about 2 minutes, twice a day will help get rid of acne within a couple of weeks.
  • San Tropez self-tanning oil seems to be the best way to disguise veins in your legs since childbirth, being overweight, standing on your feet a lot.
Just some nifty tidbits I picked up. I hope you are enjoying your summer? 

God is Good, All the Time!
All the Time, God is Good!

Ilium from the back garden, 5 ft tall

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Moral Compass

Did you ever wonder why there are evil or immoral people who always seem to be getting everything they want for themselves and there are moral people who never get any breaks? I think it has more to do with the way you were raised. Did your parents encourage you to be all you could be? Did they set a good example for you? Or maybe their parents just let them run wild. Did they set such a bad example that every decision they made is predicated on being the exact opposite of what their parents would do?

I think that upbringing has a distinctive influence on who we turn out to be. But, even if our childhood was bad, we have the choice to go one way or the other. It is sad that there seems to be people who do not have a moral compass. They really do not have a sense of right and wrong. It is almost like some brain cells are missing. They go through life thinking that the world owes them a living. They have their hand out all the time.

Somehow, they got it into their heads that they are the "Center of the Universe " and everyone should revolve around their world. They think that it is alright to have sex with anyone they want, wherever they want, with no regard to other people. They are trying to destroy the sanctity of marriage.

They think that drugs or alcohol are okay, even good, and believe that they should just do whatever feels good, with no regard to other people.  They go through life blowing smoke on other people: cigarettes, marijuana, or now, electronic smoke. Just sliding through life taking and never giving.

I have seen smart people, who would put in hours or days into thinking of slick things to do to cheat others, the government, or even their own family. If they would put all that concentration into something positive, just imagine what a wonderful world this could be. Sometimes we think they are just lazy, but that is not the case. They spend so much time trying to circumvent the system, that they are continually holding out their hands for other people to financial support them all their lives.

Muslim countries seem to be condoning all kinds of atrocities. They want us to give up our freedoms and put ourselves back into the Middle Ages where women were hidden and abused, where only men ruled, where all were punished horribly for small transgressions. They offer no forgiveness, they undermine our values as Christians, Jews, etc. 

The Koran, which has been rewritten hundreds of times to reflect what any influential Muslim says that Allah told them. Allah is a very vengeful god, which should not mean anything because there is no god but our God, Jehovah. Mohammed was not even a good  Prophet. He has to ask his wife's advice before he did anything. 

The Center of the Universe. (Isn't that how we felt when we were six?)