
Friday, February 11, 2011

Breaking Barriers Pink

I am definitely going to this event. Hope to see you there.

WOMEN'S CONFERENCE "Be Still and Know..." Psalm 46:10 - 
Saturday, February 26th 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM - 
Breaking down barriers to see who we are in Christ. 
Speakers: Rosemary Trible, author of "Fear to Freedom," 
Shelia King Everett, director of Prayer4 Awakening 
Patty Curl, author of "Snapshots of Grace" (Singer)
Cost: $10 includes lunch. 
First Baptist Church of Newport News, 12716 Warwick Blvd, Newport News VA 
Register with Dottie Wallace (930-0911); See fyer at 

I have had a strange week. I thinkl I overbooked myself. I had my GYN yearly appointment and now I have to go get a colonoscopy. Doesn't that sound like fun? Everything else looked okay though. Then I had an appointment with my rheumatologist and found out that I have Osteoarthritis in my knees. So in addition to Rheumatoid Arthritis, I have Osteoarthritis and Osteopenia. So what else. The good news is that my blood pressure is low, my blood levels are normal. My Doc says I can have cortisone shots in my knees, but I don't know if I am ready for that. 

I went and helped out for a while at "Need A Meal" at our Church. We have started a ministry for those who need a free meal each Thursday from 6-7 p.m. It is a real eye-opener. Especially when you see people who are living in their cars, people with small children who actually have a place to live, but need help with groceries. I would say that out church gives out upwards of 50 bags of groceries each week. People are sent to us by Newport News Social Services. "Need a Meal" has no qualifications. We fix dinner and everyone in need is invited. So far we serve about 50 meals, and give take- out with whatever is left over.     

The ladies in my quilting group presented quilts to Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters (CHKD). I wasn't feeling well that day, so I didn't go. I am just so happy that so many people will enjoy the quilts.

I think you know that I am President of the Newport News Host Lions Club this year. Our program last Monday was Dean Nowotny  who is a volunteer coordinator with Hospice for Sentara. It was such an inspirational program. I really didn't understand Hospice until I heard his speech. If you would like to have him speak at one of your meetings in the Hampton Roads are, please call 757-736-3600 and inquire about Hospice. You can email Dean at

 "You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but to live until you die." Dame Cicely Saunders

Also, this past Saturday we screened 144 people with Pediavision in Patrick Henry Mall. It was awesome. Over 40 people received referrals to eye professionals to have their eyes checked.
We will be screening again in August. This is so important for pre-school children. Pediavision can detect things that are wrong with the eyes with children as young as 6 months old. Monday we were at Arms of the King Preschool and screened about 28 children and staff. We had referrals there also. Our club will probably be helping some of the procure glasses. See my blog at 

A friend, Jonnie, had a mastomectomy yesterday. I went to the hospital twice to see her, once before the surgery and once afterward. I wasn't able to see her either time, but I did see her son and gave him a gift for her. I hope that I can be there for her. I am her deacon. So many people were there for me, maybe I can give something back. If you have a friend going through breast cancer, please send them here and they can see how life goes on. I have come to really employ something that I believe. "The only way to truly serve God, is to serve others."

There was  just so much going on yesterday, when I got home I had to take pain medication and kick back in my husband's recliner until I woke up at 4 a.m. freezing. Our heat cuts back at night. I turned on the bed warmer and the heated throw. It took a little while, but I warmed up and slept in this morning. This is my Friday, no outside appointments and Ray is out for the day. Love you all and hope your weekend is bright. My #SweetTweets are awesome people who follow me and retweet me on Twitter. See me on Twitter at 

God is Good, All the time!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Too Busy for a Friend? PINK

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers. That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. 'Really?' she heard whispered. 'I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!' and, 'I didn't know others liked me so much,' were most of the comments.
No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in Viet Nam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature. The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin.

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. 'Were you Mark's math teacher?' he asked. She nodded: 'yes.' Then he said: 'Mark talked about you a lot.'

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.

'We want to show you something,' his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket 'They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.'

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.

'Thank you so much for doing that,' Mark's mother said. 'As you can see, Mark treasured it.'

All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, 'I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home.

Chuck's wife said, 'Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.'

'I have mine too,' Marilyn said. 'It's in my diary'

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. 'I carry this with me at all times,' Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: 'I think we all saved our lists'

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.

So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Watching Regis Tweet Pink

I really enjoyed seeing Regis and Kelly this morning. Now that Regis is retiring, he is learning to Tweet. I hope he enjoys the positive affirmation that Twitter can give. I know that Twitter helped me through one of the most difficult times in my life. Retirement is hard but I just cannot imagine Regis totally retiring. He will be a busy person. He will travel with Joy and enjoy himself. Maybe he can use Twitter to keep in touch with his show business life.