
Friday, November 26, 2010

Carolina Pink

Ray asked me if I wanted to drive down to Carolina by myself today (Tue) and he would come tomorrow. I just didn’t want to come by myself so I said I would wait and go with him tomorrow. Then this afternoon when I was just goofing off in between loads of clothes, he asked me what time I would be ready to leave. I said, “Today?” He said “Yes.” Talk about scurrying around getting things packed and taking a shower.

J...... came by and picked up some clothing that I found for her. I was so glad to be able to give her two pair of almost new tennis shoes. Just her size too. She brought the children with her. She is a single mom who works at Walmart. She has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and the children have problems from her self-medicating with alcohol while she was pregnant. Pastor Dale asked me to mentor her. She had no phone, so I got her a cell phone. I gave her 200 prime time minutes. She has unlimited calling nights and weekends. I was frightened that she would have an emergency with the children. 

After the things I have gone through for almost 2 years, I am becoming less and less materialistic. I found out that if something happens to me, no one wants my stuff. And, I have some really nice stuff. I am starting to get rid of things that are still good but that I have not used or worn in a while. I donated an ironing board and a BabyLock machine to my quilting group. We are making quilts for children who are patients at CHKD (Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters). It is so satisfying to know that you are doing something that will help someone else. ( I have a picture of one that I did that I will upload when I get home.)

The Bible Class that I take on Tuesday nights is studying a book called Genesis One. It is very interesting. Imagine a decent sized book that was written all about the first chapter of Genesis. It is amazing the things that I have found out. God did not write the Bible for us, but to us. He wrote it for the ancients or early Hebrews. Things were very different then. A lot of the things that are in the Bible we take too literally sometimes... Things that don't make sense to us, made perfect sense to people living in the time the Bible was written. We try so hard to understand it, not stopping to realize that it was written in another time about a very different people. The lessons we learn from the Bible were written to us more as examples. This is what I am getting from it so far. I will keep you up with what I am learning.

We are in NC and have had our Thanksgiving Dinner. We ate at my daughter and son-in-law's home. I made Spiral Ham, Green Bean Cassarole, Cornbread Dressing and Gravy, Fruit Salad, Deviled Eggs, Sweet Potatoes, Pecan Pie, Rolls. Rhonda made the Turkey, stovetop dressing, Corn, Collards, Jello Salad, Mashed Potato Salad. For dessert: Pecan Pie, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Flan, Spice Cupcakes, and Pumpkin Roll. And, then there was the clean-up. All the women agreed that if there was such a thing as reincarnation, we all would want to come back as men. Must be nice to eat a dinner that took someone all day to prepare and then sit and watch TV while that person cleaned up the mess after dinner. Most times I am too tired to eat very much at all. But I still have to clean up. I helped Rhonda and then I had to come home and finish cleaning up the mess I made cooking. Don't men realize that there is something very sexy about a man washing dishes or pushing a vacuum cleaner. LOL!

Black Friday: Here I am typing on my computer when I should be packing to go home. In a lot of pain this morning. Everything is stiff. I did too much yesterday. Rheumatoid Arthritis really hurts if you push it too far. I will rest this morning and maybe we can go this afternoon. Barbara K. is watching the house in VA.  I will be glad to get home. I cannot get TweetDeck to load here. At least I can catch up tonight and tomorrow. 

Guess I better go get a shower and clean up so we can get on the road. I love you all and I hope your Thanksgiving was all you wanted it to be. God is Good, All the time, Barbara

Friday, November 19, 2010


TGIF - Funny how many ungodly people use that phrase. I wonder if they know that if they say Gosh, it is also a phrase used for God. Why do we Thank God its Friday? Are we looking forward to a lovely weekend, culminating with the Worship of God. Or, is it just we can do what we want on Saturday and play golf, go to the movies, sleep, on Sunday. Personally, I thank God for every day. If you have been through or are close to someone who has gone through cancer, you should thanks God for each day.

As I told a friend on learning of her son's Stage IV cancer, do not be afraid of the 'C' word. It loses out to the 'G' word (God). 'God is good, all the time' is one of my favorite phrases, mainly, because he is. Sometimes we may be disappointed in what we receive, but in the grand scheme of things, there is good waiting out there for us at all times. I feel we must earn it and the only way to worship God is to serve others. If God is pleased with your service to your fellow men/women, then he is more likely to show your his goodness. If you do service with a greedy heart, it is not service. That is to say, you only do good for others if you get something out of it. We should never ask or expect anything for our service.

 I did something significant that the Lord asked me to do a few years ago. It was not an easy thing to do, but I did it anyway. It took five long years and loads of praying, but it came to pass as it was God's Plan. I asked for guidance and prayed that the Holy Spirit would enter into the hearts of the ones who didn't think it was a good idea. Eventually, the day came that everything worked out and it was one of the happiest and most significant days in my life. It made a difference in our community and changed the dynamic is the area of town where it happened. A pastor who was involved told me that when I get to Heaven I will have a crown of rubies for my head. I never thought of that, but it sounds heavy. Have you ever heard the expression that I use all the time? "You talk to God-it’s called Prayer. God talks to you, you tell someone-it’s called schizophrenia!" That was what was going on. Sometimes God talks to us in that still small voice and we just have to do what he says. Other people said to me afterward that they thought that God had been speaking to them for years about the same thing. I guess it just took God to whisper it into the ear of a 'big-mouthed woman who was not scared to speak His mind.' It worked out for good of all those who live here in Newport News whether they know about it or not. Homes and families have been saved, babies born that would not have been born, people fed, etc. God is good, all the time.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I was thinking the other day of all the things that I have to be thankful for. How about you? What have you got to be thankful for? Here is my list:
  • Thank You Lord for taking the cancer away from my body.
  • Thank You Lord for giving me such a good husband.
  • Thank You Lord for giving me such wonderful children and grand children.
  • Thank You Lord for my wonderful Christian Friends.
  • Thank You Lord for my friends who are not yet Christians.
  • Thank You Lord for the Holy Spirit who will be instrumental in making more friends Christian.
  • Thank You Lord for the health of my family and friends.
  • Thank You Lord for letting me know those who are sick that I can pray for.
  • Thank You Lord for this wonderful country where we are free to express our opinions and be all we can be.
  • Thank You Lord for connecting me with so many people on Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Blogger, etc., so that I may share my faith with them.
  • Thank You Lord for my Rheumatoid Arthritis so that I may know how it feels to show compassion for others. 
  • Thank You Lord for all the blessings that You have bestowed on me and my family.
  • Thank You Lord for providing me and mine with a home where we will live with You forever and ever in Heaven.
  • Thank You Lord for being You and Loving us so much that You would give Christ to us to deliver us from sin. 
Lord God, we love You and praise Your Holy Name. Amen