
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It has been a busy couple of weeks. Ray and I have been busy. Benita stayed with me last week. We did our usual pick-up at the Chesapeake on Wednesday evening for church. We had a great dinner, Prayer time, and then we went to see the children's program which was awesome.

We had our NAP Peninsula Unit Meeting at the Hampton Library. We had our election for officers for next year. I am going to be the new President. We had a very nice meeting with about 9 people there. I am going to work on trying to increase our membership over the next year by blogging, Twitter, Facebook and any other Social Media I can get my hands on. If you know someone in an organization that you belong to that would like to be a parliamentarian, contact me.  Even if they are not in my area, I can lead them in the right direction of how to find a unit near them. Every organization/club needs a parliamentarian to have orderly meetings, unless your president is in complete control with no parliamentary authority.
Ron, Michael, Mary, Ray ,     ,Barbara

Ron pinning Pres Pin on Michael
 Afterwards, we stopped in Williamsburg and picked up Mary Swain on our way to Richmond. We had a lovely room at the Marriott and Mary was just two doors down. The staff was excellent and the food was scrumptious. We were so impressed that we are booking it for our convention next year. Michael Wagner-Diggs PRP is our new State President, Mary Swain PRP is 1st Vice President, Ray Duke PRP is 2nd Vice President, Barbara Duke is the Secretary, and                     is the Treasurer. (I forgot Treasurer's name, will enter later.) Ron Stinson PRP is our President of the National Association of Parliamentarians and was visiting us from Texas.

Sunday was Mother's Day and I want to know what this world is coming to. I have 2 children and received 2 text messages. That is it. At least my stepdaughter said it on Facebook. I never heard anything from Kevin at all. I know I am not that bad of a person. What has this world come to when children text their mother for Mother's Day? In the future, maybe we will just text them at Christmas.  What do you think?

I am back in sitter mode. Benita was with me for 11 hours yesterday and will be probably 12 hours today. Bless her heart. I just took her in the bedroom to lay down. She wants to do something and gets frustrated which gives her a headache. She ate a good breakfast today and she loved my tuna salad sandwich for lunch. We had some potato chips with it. We bought them yesterday when we went shopping. She really doesn't like to go our much. I think we may take her to COSTCO this evening and get a hot dog for dinner. I need a few things and the hot dogs are wonderful there. I am not really a hot dog fan, but I do like their Nathan's Beef Dogs.

I have an appointment at the Cancer Center tomorrow. Maybe Benita can stay with Ray for a while or he can go with us to sit with her while I go in to see the Nurse. I have been reading some really good articles and books on Alzheimers so I will know what to expect..

I have an appointment with Dr Wilson on Thursday. This RA is not a fun illness. It is painful and you get strange lumps everywhere. I went to a hand doctor at the Peninsula Orthopedic Clinic in Hampton. He excised a anular cyst and shot it full of cortisone so it would not come back. Well, guess what, it is back and hurts even worse. I don't really want to go see him again. I know I don't have to pay to go because my insurance picks up everything, but I really hate to see them overcharging my health insureance. That 30 minute visit cost over $800 and it didn't even work. I wonder if there is a waranty! I do know that if it was coming out of my pocket, I would be really upset. No wonder health insurance costs so much.

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